What if you could receive 100% clear messages, guidance, and support from your own intuition, whenever you want or need it?

Maybe you...

  • Have struggled with trusting your own intuition
  • Aren't sure of the intuitive hits, pings, or downloads you've been getting (or if you've been getting any)
  • Feel unsure or unaware of your own innate gifts
  • Want to be able to TRUST your own knowing, above all else, and receive 100% clear messages from your higher self and spirit guides every single time
  • Are ready to up-level your life and career by strengthening and deepening your own intuitive connection so that you can easily make decisions that are aligned for YOU, specifically

You can have a strong, deep, and clear intuitive connection, without...

...constantly struggling to interpret and receive messages from your higher self and guides

...relying solely on crystals, cards, or other people who are "better at it" to give you answers and guidance

...second-guessing yourself every step of the way

...wasting any more of your time and money seeking out other healers, mediums, gurus, programs, or coaches to tell you what is right for you or what to do with your own life

Introducing Intuition: Unblocked

A guided journey to help you unblock and re-connect to your own intuition and gifts!

Intuition: Unblocked is the self-paced online course designed to take you from disconnected and confused, second-guessing your intuition and gifts, to...

  • Clearly interpreting your intuitive messages, pings, and hits
  • Becoming 100% confident in your own gifts and abilities
  • Subconsciously "unblocked" and easily able to receive aligned guidance, healing, and support
  • Re-connected to your own knowing, Higher Self, and spiritual guides
  • Potentially using your gifts and connection to intuitively read for other people
  • And easily able to access all of this, whenever you want or need

Hi! I'm Natalie - RN turned "woo," intuitive mentor and healer, and founder of IntuitivelyNatalie.com

I spent the last several years growing and strengthening my connection to my own intuition and gifts, through all kinds of trial and error, because I believed with my whole heart that there was more to life than I could see, or had been conditioned to believe.

So much so, in fact, that I've been able to build a wildly fulfilling career out of it, delivering intuitive messages and guidance that has provided deep soul healing and powerful transformations for literally hundreds of people.

Because of this strong intuitive connection I've grown, I also have a greater sense of trust in myself, my unique soul's path, and I feel confident in all of the guidance and support I receive on a daily basis.

I want this for you too.

I've turned everything I've learned on my own intuitive journey into a simplified and easily digestible course called Intuition: Unblocked in order to help you get reconnected to your own intuition and gifts!

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • Easily connect to your intuition (every time)
  • Meet and work with your Higher Self and various Spirit Guides
  • Learn how to receive and interpret aligned guidance and support with confidence and crystal-clear clarity
  • Use tools like crystals, cards, and pendulums in a way that strengthens your own knowing, instead of replacing it
  • Muscle test in a way that is supportive of your own knowing
  • Be guided into accessing your own Akashic Records to receive the guidance, support, and healing you're missing

I know this course works, because I have been where you are.

I used to really struggle to trust and interpret the intuitive messages and guidance I *thought* I was receiving, constantly second-guessing myself, solely relying on other people and tools to tell me what everything meant instead of trusting my own knowing, and not feeling comfortable enough to talk about all of the "woo" things I was really interested in with a lot of people in my life.

It took me a very long time, and LOTS of money, to fully understand how to clearly and confidently tune in to my own knowing and gifts, and I was there had been a welcoming community and supportive course for experiencing and exploring all of it.

Upon enrollment to the DIY Intuition: Unblocked course, you will have immediate access to:

Video Lessons

Each module comes with a short (less than 20 minute) video lesson to walk you through everything you need to know in the simplest and easiest way

Worksheets and Guides

Worksheets and handy guides are included in most modules for you to download and receive extra support and guidance

Guided Meditations

Short, guided meditations are also included in most modules and they are designed to take you even deeper into your intuitive connection

(DIY) Intuition: Unblocked Course Curriculum

  Module 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Payment Option

By the end of this self-paced course, you will have:

  • The confidence and trust you've been missing to clearly and easily receive, interpret, and maybe even deliver intuitive guidance, messages, and support
  • A fool-proof, well-established, practice for connecting and receiving
  • Met and started working closely with your Higher Self and personal Spirit guides
  • An un-shakeable, deep, and clear connection to your own intuition and intuitive gifts

This course is for 👇🏼

  • Anyone who is interested in growing their connection to and trust in their own higher knowing
  • Those who want to understand, trust, and use their own intuitive gifts
  • People who have struggled to meet and work with their Spirit Guides or Higher Self in the past
  • Entrepreneurs and healers wanting to up-level their abilities by removing common energetic blocks to receiving
  • Anyone, at ANY point on their journey - whether you're just starting out or have an established intuitive/spiritual practice - that knows there is "more" out there for them than what they've been conditioned to believe
  • YOU, if you're ready to get unblocked to connecting and receiving the intuitive guidance, support, and healing you've been missing

This course is NOT for 👇🏼

  • Those not interested in stepping into their power as intuitive beings
  • Anyone that doesn't believe in re-connecting to their innate ability to receive divine and aligned support and guidance
  • People not ready to commit a few minutes of every day to strengthening and deepening their intuition outside of the course modules through simple actionable steps and practices

FAQ's & Contact Info

When does this course start and finish?

This is a self-paced course, including 6 modules in the DIY option and 7 modules in the VIP option, set up to take weekly, but you can go as quickly or slowly through it as you'd like.

I'm not an entrepreneur or healer, is this course still for me?

Absolutely! Everyone is intuitive, and this course is for anyone looking to deepen and strengthen their connection to their intuition and gifts, even if they're not currently planning on monetizing it.

How long do I have to access the course?

A lifetime - or as long as this platform exists!

Do I need any special tools or pre-requisites for joining?

No. You have everything you need right now, and I teach you how to strengthen and deepen your intuitive connection through the use of cards and crystals even if you don't currently have any.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please email me at [email protected] and I'll get back to you ASAP

I'm SO sure you'll love this course, and I can't wait to teach you all of my tips and tricks!

This course is non-refundable, because it will only work for those ready to commit to themselves, show up, and "do the work!"

If this isn't you right now, it will be here for you when you are, although I can't guarantee that it will be available at this price.

The DIY option includes:

  • Access to Modules 1-6
  • All of the guided meditations
  • Helpful worksheets
  • Subconscious shifting and unblocking